The Benefits of PWA Over Native Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

June 5, 2023
10 min
The Benefits of PWA Over Native Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wanted to access an app, but couldn't because of low storage space or poor internet connectivity? Or maybe you didn't want to download yet another app to clutter your phone? If you can relate, then you're not alone. Many users face these challenges when using traditional Native Apps. But what if there was a better way? Enter Progressive Web Apps (PWA), the next generation of apps that are accessible, fast, and cost-effective. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the benefits of PWA over Native Apps, and why they're becoming the go-to choice for businesses and developers alike. So, get ready to discover how PWA can transform the way you use apps, and why it's the future of mobile technology.

Benefits of PWA over Native Apps


Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are designed to be accessible to all users, regardless of their device or internet connectivity. Here are some key benefits of PWA in terms of accessibility:

Benefits for users with limited internet connectivity

PWA are designed to work even when internet connectivity is limited or unstable. This is because they're designed to be lightweight and use less data than traditional Native Apps. For instance, Twitter Lite, Twitter's PWA, uses up to 70% less data than the native app. This means that users in areas with poor or unreliable internet connectivity can still access the app and its features.

Benefits for users with limited storage space on their devices

PWA don't require installation or take up much space on a user's device. This is because they're web-based and accessed through a browser. For instance, the PWA of Flipkart, a popular Indian e-commerce site, takes up only 100 KB of storage space, compared to the 30MB required by the native app. This means that users with limited storage space on their devices can still access the app and its features without having to uninstall other apps.

Benefits for users who prefer not to download apps

Some users may not want to download yet another app to their device, either due to concerns about storage space or privacy. PWA offers a solution to this problem by allowing users to access the same functionality as a Native App through their web browser. For instance, Starbucks' PWA allows users to order and pay for their drinks without having to download the app.

Speed and Performance

PWA are designed to be fast and efficient, providing a seamless experience for users. Here are some key benefits of PWA in terms of speed and performance:

Improved loading times

PWA are designed to load quickly and efficiently, even on slow or unstable connections. This is because they use modern web technologies, such as service workers, to cache content and provide offline functionality. For instance, the PWA of Forbes, a popular news site, loads in just two seconds, compared to the six seconds required by the native app.

Improved overall performance

PWA are designed to be fast and responsive, providing a smooth user experience. This is because they're optimized for the web and don't have the overhead of a native app. For instance, the PWA of Pinterest, a popular social media site, provides a smooth scrolling and navigation experience, even on older devices.

Comparison of PWA and Native Apps in terms of speed and performance

Studies have shown that PWA can outperform native apps in terms of speed and performance. For instance, a study by Google found that PWA can load up to four times faster than native apps and use up to 25 times less device storage.


PWA can be cost-effective for businesses and developers, providing a more efficient way to build and maintain apps. Here are some key benefits of PWA in terms of cost-effectiveness:

Cost savings for businesses and developers

PWA can be less expensive to develop and maintain than native apps. This is because they're web-based and don't require separate development for different platforms, such as iOS and Android. For instance, Twitter reported that developing its PWA was 30% cheaper than developing its native app.

Comparison of the costs of developing and maintaining PWA and Native Apps

Studies have shown that PWA can be more cost-effective than native apps in terms of development and maintenance. For instance, a study by Gartner found that PWA can reduce development costs by up to 70% and maintenance costs by up to 90%.


PWA can be more discoverable and visible than native apps, providing a better way to reach users. Here are some key benefits of PWA in terms of discoverability:

Improved discoverability and visibility

PWA can be more discoverable and visible than native apps, as they can be accessed through a web search or shared link. This means that users can find and access the app without having to download it from an app store. For instance, the PWA of the Washington Post was able to increase its traffic from Google search by 23%.

Comparison of discoverability of PWA and Native Apps

Studies have shown that PWA can be more discoverable than native apps, as they can be indexed by search engines and shared through links. For instance, a study by Google found that PWA can increase organic traffic by up to 68%.

User Engagement

PWA can provide a better user engagement and retention than native apps, as they can offer a more seamless and personalized experience. Here are some key benefits of PWA in terms of user engagement:

Improved user engagement

PWA can provide a more engaging and personalized experience for users, as they can leverage web technologies, such as push notifications and geolocation, to provide relevant information.

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Disadvantages of PWA over Native Apps

While Progressive Web Apps (PWA) have numerous benefits over Native Apps, they do have some limitations that are worth considering. In this section, we'll take a closer look at the disadvantages of PWA compared to Native Apps. 

Lack of Native Functionality

One of the key limitations of PWA is its lack of native functionality. Unlike Native Apps, PWA cannot access all of the device's hardware and software features such as the camera, GPS, and contacts. This means that PWA may not be able to provide the same level of functionality as Native Apps. 

When it comes to functionality, Native Apps are still the go-to choice for businesses and developers. For example, a ride-sharing app like Uber requires access to the user's location, camera, and payment information. While PWA can access some of these features, it may not be able to provide the same level of functionality as a Native App. 

Limited Device Access

Another limitation of PWA is its limited device accessibility. PWA is not accessible on all devices and operating systems. While PWA can be accessed on most modern browsers, it may not be accessible on older devices or browsers. 

When it comes to device accessibility, Native Apps have the upper hand. Native Apps are designed to work on specific devices and operating systems, making them accessible to a wider audience. For example, a Native App can be designed to work on both iOS and Android devices, while PWA may not be accessible on older devices or browsers. 

While PWA has its limitations, it's important to note that it's still a great choice for businesses and developers who want to provide a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience. By understanding the limitations of PWA, businesses can make informed decisions about whether PWA or Native Apps are the best choice for their needs. 


In this article, we've explored the advantages and disadvantages of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) over Native Apps. We've seen how PWA provides a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience, while also being cost-effective and discoverable. However, we've also seen how PWA has limitations when it comes to native functionality and device accessibility. 

Recap of the Benefits and Disadvantages of PWA over Native Apps

To recap, the benefits of PWA over Native Apps include:

- Fast and reliable user experience

- Cost-effective development and maintenance

- Discoverability through search engines and social media

- Ability to work offline and provide push notifications

- Cross-platform compatibility

On the other hand, the disadvantages of PWA compared to Native Apps include:

- Lack of native functionality

- Limited device accessibility

Final Thoughts on the Future of PWA and Native Apps

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more businesses and developers adopting PWA as their go-to choice for mobile development. PWA provides a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience, while also being cost-effective and discoverable. 

However, Native Apps still have their place in the market, especially when it comes to functionality and device accessibility. Native Apps are designed to work on specific devices and operating systems, ng this article on the benefits and disadvantages of PWA over Native Apps. Ready to take the nmaking them accessible to a wider audience. 

If you're considering developing a mobile app for your business, it's important to consider both PWA and Native Apps. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each option, you can make an informed decision about which one is the best fit for your needs. 

Thank you for the readiest step and create your own Progressive Web App (PWA)? Look no further than! Our team of experienced developers can create a custom PWA tailored to your business needs, using the latest technology and tools like 

Don't miss out on the benefits of PWA - contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create a fast, reliable, and engaging user experience for your customers.

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