Our services

Launch your MVP in 2-3 months with Low-code
2-3 Weeks

01 Research

Studying your niches, searching for new ideas and features for the product

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2-3 Weeks

02 Prototype products

Studying use cases and mocking up your product

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2-3 Weeks

03 UI/UX design

Beautiful and functional design greatly improves efficiency

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2-3 Weeks

04 Website development

Studying use cases and mocking up your product

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2-3 Weeks

05 Mobile app development

Studying your niches, searching for new ideas and features for the product

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2-3 Weeks

06 MVP Building

Development on a tight schedule and limited budget

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Xmethod icon

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2-3 Weeks

07 Refinement of your no-code apps

When you just need to add a few of features

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Xmethod icon

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